Sunday, August 23, 2009

just another blog?

I have just read Norman Doidge's The Brain That Can Change Itself. I can't say I have just opened my eyes to great ideas as the general ideas are not new to me - I have come to believe in them through reading stray books on psychology, eastern philosophy, through [self] observation and thinking.

Yet, the book has brought a change - my decision to explore deeper and wider the biology of psychology. My studies will, of course, involve learning more about the biology of the body, naturally tapping on "non-living" sciences like physics and chemistry. It will inevitably involve delving into the humanities and self-reflection on my artistic and sports activities, etc.

It will be just a new door to learning about everything, as I am interested in no less than everything. There might be things [like accounting] not worth learning towards my goal to know God's thoughts, but how could I know for sure at this stage of my life?

Writing has always helped me learning, so I will be writing about my "new" endeavor. I would like to share at least part of it with my sweetheart, some of my former students, so blogging seems to be the most convenient way. Why not share my journey with all who might benefit from it?


  1. That book seems very interesting! :)

  2. Writing really helps exploring yourself! But reading your posts helps too.. :]
